Our Brand

Welcome to our Midas Touch Staging & Design Studio…

Hello! I am Anamika, the creative and business mind and body behind this unique studio that offers space makeover services for any property. Our specialized staging and design services have helped our clients transform their living spaces, whether they intended to buy, sell, or rent.

Try our Space Makeovers…

Just for you, because every space deserves one!

Midas Touch perfectly blends creative elegance, innovative approach, and professional service to enhance your property’s holistic wellness, market value, and style quotient. Our space makeovers reflect your unique style and budget, and our services are meticulously customized to match your unique needs and comfort. If you have a creative dream idea for your space or need help with innovative ideas to make your space look and feel magical, you have come to the right place.

Our Story

Everything in life, indeed, carries a story waiting to be told.

The idea for this creative venture was born in a moment of serendipity – when you realize that the creative gifts, we are born with are meant to be used for the good of humanity. The interior design and décor industry is not a new concept. Still, its access to those coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds has been limited due to higher cost and time requirements. “SPACE MAKEOVER” is a quick alternative solution to property renovations and design, which combines a range of staging & design services under one roof – something that transforms your space with a perfect balance of beauty-function-and-budget in no time, just like magic!

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else has ever thought.”

Midas Touch was the most obvious choice of name for the brand. Have you heard the ancient story of “KING MIDAS AND THE GOLDEN TOUCH”?  The phrase “Midas Touch” captures the idea of a magical touch that turns everything into gold, just like our services aim to transform your space into something ‘gold and beautiful.’ The brand name also resonates with the modern capitalist interpretation of the ‘Midas Touch’ concept – the uncanny ability to make money in every venture.

With our instant space makeover ideas, we aim to transform your property quickly, ensuring an increased Return on Investment (ROI) value for our clients with their improved aesthetic quotient and practical function. We aspire not only to create beautiful spaces but also memories for our clients. We promise that our Midas Touch creations will capture your life story and motivate you to share it with the world. Join us and be a part of our community on this journey of space makeovers with our Midas Touch!


FALL 2024

Our Services

Midas Touch Staging & Design Studio offers a comprehensive range of staging and design services for easy space makeovers for any property in any style. Our Midas Touch stands out by creating a perfect balance of aesthetics, function, and budget customized to your needs and desires.


Property Staging

Accessories Design


Declutter Organizing


Moveout Cleaning


Furniture Refurbishing

Space Design


Color Consultation


Personal Shopping


Furniture Refurbishing


Personal Shopping

Retro Vibes Only!

Our Style

At Midas Touch, the old meets the new in all our creations. We recognize that our lives are moving along the fluid spectrum of time – the nostalgic past, the optimistic future, and the ephemeral present caught between them. And this momentum applies to everything in our lives, including our living spaces. We inherit homes from our ancestors, but with our changing modern needs, these homes also need an upgrade. But wouldn’t it be great to retain the nostalgic flavor of our vintage past and blend it with our modern present?

“A little bit of Retro

never hurt anyone…”

Imagine a space filled with vibrant colors, geometric patterns, and unique furniture items transporting you to a different era while still being modern and functional. Besides making your space look and feel cozy and inviting, the retro style allows you to personalize it as per your style. Blending repurposed vintage furniture into your modern lifestyle increases your sustainability quotient. Trust us – you will have exciting stories to share with your guests, who will admire your eclectic tastes and unique finds. With our RETRO style, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – the comfort of the past and the innovation of the future!

Our Shop

Our Approach

‘The future will either be green or not at all.’ We believe in Bob Brown’s prediction. The human species has a chance of survival if we save our planet and its natural environment. Midas Touch Staging & Design Studio is not just a money-making business but an environment-sustainability-pro enterprise. We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our business, such as using eco-friendly materials, implementing energy-efficient processes, and supporting local artisans.

“Recycling turns things into

other things, just like magic…”

Our space makeovers are designed to minimize the damaging environmental impact with three strategies – reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling everything. We carefully plan our projects to avoid excess materials, repurpose items whenever possible, and ensure that all waste is recycled correctly. Our designers refurbish furniture and redesign accessories to save them from going to landfills. Our online store brings those designer pieces to your doorstep, creating a magical feel for your space. By choosing us, you’re not just getting a space makeover but contributing to a greener future.

Reduce Reuse

Our Gallery

We constantly design and deliver quality creative solutions for our clients, whether we are staging a property or refurbishing a vintage piece of furniture. Our Midas Touch Studio Gallery displays our out-of-the-box creations that help our clients make their spaces look out-of-this-world. Browse here to know what you can expect from our magical touch…








Our Mantra

“Let us nurture nature to have a nurturing future.”

The biophilic design approach is all about bringing nature indoors. We incorporate this innovative approach in our space makeovers, using natural materials, maximizing natural light, and integrating living plants. We believe in the therapeutic powers of our ecological environment on our health and well-being, which are empirically tested and proven, such as improved mood, increased productivity, and enhanced cognitive function.

“Let us do what we can in our power, here and now, to make the world a more sustainable and just place.” – for everyone…

Besides supporting your holistic health and well-being, the biophilic design integrates sustainable design practices to reduce the harmful impact on our environment.  Biophilic design philosophy operates on the belief that humans and nature are mutually responsible for each other’s survival and further growth.

This organically driven approach is not limited to the materials we use in our space makeovers but also the colors, elements, and patterns we use in our designs. Simple techniques such as using all colors that attract more natural light or including organic textures of leaf-like motifs in pillows can add those healing elements to your living space. Our SPACE THERAPISTS work with you to understand your lifestyle, needs, and desires and foster a multi-sensory experience through our innovative design styles and biophilia-influenced techniques. Midas Touch believes that if there is a chance of survival for humankind then green is the way forward!

Our Followers love our “MIDAS TOUCH”!

Midas Touch Staging & Design Studio creates these unique space makeovers using the perfect blend of retro styling, biophilic design, and a recycling approach. We have spoken enough about our work now, so let’s hear what our clients say about it!

A Magical Touch for Your Space!

All that glitters is indeed GOLD AND BEAUTIFUL…

Midas Touch is more than just a profit-making business. We are proud to be part of the “friendly” Manitoba community. We extend our support to the most vulnerable sections of our society to promote sustainable and equitable growth for everyone. We are also a sustainability-conscious business that fosters a healthy relationship between humankind and our ecological environment. We stand in solidarity with peace and social justice for everyone!

Our Community

Our every Creation tells a Story!

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